And just like that, we’re only 3 days away from 2014, oh how fast this year has come to an end. So in honour of 2013 passing, here is the December mood board styled in beautiful black. Black is so versatile that it works for celebrating as well as mourning because with every passing, comes new life. Whether it’s in work, personal or even fashion, we should look forward to a very bright and better new year. This mood board is all about ending December on a chic high and walking into January in style, like this fabulous New Year’s all black outfit.
Black has and will always be a statement colour. That’s why it features so prominently in my personal style and fashion styling. The bold colour highlights texture, fabrics, structure and quality brilliantly. Statement pieces like the detailed head wear, lace dresses and gorgeous heels shown on the mood board are certainly worthwhile investments. While mixed textured tops and jackets can also serve as wardrobe staples. Just as shown in this November mood board black of night, black should always be a mood. Finally, whatever you wear to walk out of 2013, do it in confidence and joy and have a happy 2014.