To be featured as a British fashion blogger for Style Fruits new card game is indeed a great compliment. The highlight in the 2014 campaign for Style Fruits Brilliantly British Fashion Bloggers Card game is a lovely & thrilling one. A truly special game card, it features 32 British bloggers along with their stats, website details and fun facts. It really the stuff boredom and travel wait times are made of. Style Fruits card game campaign is a fantastic way to take a traditional pass time and make it current and possibly even more relatable for this social media era.
It is a cool game to play, all about the British, fashion loving and bloggers, including some of your faves. The deck of cards also come nicely packaged with a bow. You can also have a go at playing the game by downloading the pack online & playing it with family & friends. It is fun to play for all ages and easy to use for other popular card games. The download link and game rules are available on the StyleFruits website. To share this moment, a special and pretty game pack will be included in a big beauty and accessories giveaway coming up soon.