Recently, I was approached by to take part in a fashion challenge. They were testing out a feel-good experiment called ‘What’s in your pocket?’. This was to see if they could help people feel a little more epic and I think it worked. As one of the few people they selected to take part from all over the web, I was gifted £20. Then challenged to see what I would do with the money to put a smile on my face.


What would you do if you unexpectedly found £20 in an old jeans pocket or someone randomly gave you £20 in the streets? What would you spend the money on? honestly… would you spend it on yourself, family, friends or bills?

In all honesty, I’m sure we all have our treats and guilty pleasures we would indulge in if we didn’t have to report back to anyone. Mines would include food (sushi), fashion (shoes) and treats (See: food, again). There was also the sentiment, that since we had to do a write-up, we should commit selfless acts to prove our thoughtful and loving nature. As simple as it sounds, I actually found it quite challenging. Trying to decide what to spend the cash on, as though it were my last money on earth to spend.


Eventually I put aside my temptation to treat others and the accompanying feeling of quilt and decided to do something for myself. As “selfish” as that sounds, I am a passionate family woman always trying to balance home and work life priorities. So I did something for myself that as a fashion stylist I had actually put off for 2 years. I decided to renew my Vogue annual subscription, which with perfect timing was at an astonishing discount rate of £19.00.

I’m sure you’re probably wondering with angst what I spent my remaining £1 on but that’s for another post like this week in pictures. Although I will be needing a stylish magazine rack soon to store my magazines. Thank you Moneysupermarket for the lovely gesture through a fashion challenge because what sometimes seems like a such a small token can usually make the biggest difference, like a smile.



    • Abigail Ayoola
      24-02-2013 / 18:50

      Thank you Nilu. Xx

    • 25-02-2013 / 03:02

      TY sm love for your support Abby! I'm a fan of yours in LB too! Keep in touch <3

    • Abigail Ayoola
      23-02-2013 / 02:38

      Hi Lee-Anne,

      Thanks for your comment.
      The link is but the code I was given expired 5 days ago but I think you can still subscribe at the vogue website but not sure on the price. I think I was given that code because they had been trying to get me to renew for so long, lol.

      Sorry I couldn't help further but if I know of any more Vogue deals, I keep you in mind. Xx

    • Abigail Ayoola
      24-02-2013 / 19:48

      Thanks Chen, it was great fun. Xx

  1. 24-02-2013 / 05:19

    Ha! I love it. Great choice, I'm really glad that you decided to treat yourself.

    • Abigail Ayoola
      24-02-2013 / 20:03

      Thanks Caroline, glad you agree. Xx

  2. 24-02-2013 / 18:20

    wow, fantastic post, honestly i was gonna say i would spend it on fruits lol, cause i rarely buy fruits except i visit a proper market, its great hear you renew your vogue annual subscription, i think i rather start doing that that going to tescos to buy, waiting for the rest of the story on how you spent the £1 haha.
    you got a new follower, i hope you support me too.

    • Abigail Ayoola
      24-02-2013 / 20:10

      Thanks for your comment Kim. Wow, that would be a lot of fruit! lol Yep, I'm really glad I made that choice now because of course you get it earlier than the shops and I'm so feeling your Tesco pain. haha
      I'm sure I spent the remaining £1 on Kinder Bueno but I don't think it would make such an interesting blog post, lol.

      Thanks for the follow, supporting you right back. Welcome. Xx

    • Abigail Ayoola
      08-03-2013 / 21:44

      Thanks Sergio for the comment and compliment. Xx

  3. 25-02-2013 / 00:38

    Nice story, I'm sure like you I'd have a moment of struggle where I'd spend that £20 on. That amount reaches over a thousand bucks in Philippine peso so if I was given that I'd probably just use it to buy toiletries and food.

    • Abigail Ayoola
      09-03-2013 / 00:15

      Thanks Majorie, great picks you have there, who wouldn't want toiletries and food. Xx

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